Hear Ye Hear Ye
- Obliterates calcium and glaze from rubber rollers
- Eliminates stripping & hickies that may be caused by glaze
- Improves ink transfer and ink /water balance
- Extends roller life and reduces ink consumption
- No VOC’s. No chemical fumes. No hazmat shipping fees
- Fully biodegradable. Safe for the user and environment
The Lore: Calcium Slayer and Flush utilize patented technology to obliterate calcium glaze from rubber offset printing rollers. This breakthrough two-step cleaning system is safe for the user and the environment. Safe and effective is no longer heresy. Hurrah!
Ye Olde Procedures for using Calcium Slayer - STEP 1
- Remove all ink from press rollers.
- Isolate ink train from plate cylinder. Don’t drop the forms!
- With press stopped, apply a single 1/4" wide bead of pink Calcium Slayer to the ink roller train. Don't be sloppy!
- Start press and allow to run through ink roller train for 2-3 minutes.
- Do NOT rinse Calcium Slayer. Proceed directly to Flush (Step 2) application.
Ye Olde Procedures for using Flush - STEP 2
- With press stopped, apply a single 1/4" wide bead of blue Flush to the ink roller train.
- Start press and allow to run through ink roller train for 2-3 minutes.
- APPLY LIBERAL AMOUNTS OF CLEAN HOT WATER to ink roller train until Flush and contaminants are purged from the rollers. Finish with usual press wash procedure.
Ye Olde Heads-Up: Calcium Slayer and Flush is a “Monday morning” procedure, not a “Friday afternoon” job. We recommend running the press immediately following a Calcium Slayer and Flush treatment.
Ye Olde Warnings: Read all product directions carefully and adhere to them at all times. Use of protective eyewear is suggested. If eye contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with clean water. May sting on open sores, cuts or around fingernails. Use of nitrile gloves is suggested. Keep out of reach of children. Do not leave on metal surfaces for extended periods of time. If contact with metal occurs, wipe and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
IMPORTANT: Calcium Slayer and Flush were designed to be used as a two- step roller cleaning system.
Do NOT use separately or in reverse order. Failure to use as directed may result in press damage. Lehman Inc. or its dealers assume no responsibility for improper usage of product.
This photo says it all
- Black unit on Ryobi 920 running UV ink.
- Rollers cleaned weekly
- The entire roller looked like the glazed end.
One Calcium Slayer & Flush treatment changed everything.
Clean rollers perform better.
Calcium Slayer & Flush release roller ink
- 40" Komori running conventional ink
- Rollers cleaned 8 times over 7 days
- Typical Roller cleaner used
- Magenta unit
STOP THE PRESS!!! Green ink had been run on this unit 10 months earlier. Why is green ink coming out of the magenta unit after 8 previous cleanings?
Because NOTHING cleans like Calcium Slayer & Flush
Calcium can't hide from the Slayer
A.B.Dick 9800 sought refuge from calcium contamination.
Calcium Slayer & Flush provided it!
Calcium contamination occurs quickly
- Ryobi 750
- 1 week old rollers
- Running conventional ink
The white seen in the water on the wash-up blade is calcium being purged
Rollers get dirty. It may take multiple applications first time around. Your current products probably won't come close.
Half size web M100L, Cyan unit before a Calcium Slayer & Flush treatment.
You are used to seeing rollers that look like this.
But wait...
1st Treatment
Same cyan press unit after 1st treatment of Calcium Slayer & Flush treatment. Large amounts of paper, ink and calcium purged from rollers.
4th Treatment
Rollers after 4th treatment of Calcium Slayer & Flush.
Wow, those rollers should perform much better!
3rd treatment of Cyan unit on M100L. The calcium, ink, paper lint, gum, chemical residue, and possibly Jimmy Hoffa, were buried deep in the rollers. It may take more than one treatment to get it out, but Calcium Slayer & Flush will roust it out.
Initial Treatment Magenta Unit
- KBA Rapida 105
- Magenta Unit
- Conventional Ink
- First Cleaning
After 1st cleaning
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Sold as a set of 2-16 oz bottles