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.04 - Stainless Steel Drafting Straight Edge

.04 - Stainless Steel Drafting Straight Edge

This stainless steel straight edge is 2" wide and .090" thick, with one beveled edge and one unbeveled edge. Models: AHG-046, AHG-0418, AHG-0424,...
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.06 - Professional Aluminum Graduated Straight Edges

.06 - Professional Aluminum Graduated Straight Edges

These straight edges are made of hardened aluminum and have inch (32nds for 1"/ 16ths the rest) and metric (half-millimeters for 1 cm/ millimeters...
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Stainless Steel Drafting Straight Edge - 32nd Inch Graduated

Stainless Steel Drafting Straight Edge - 32nd Inch Graduated

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