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Townsend T-51 AE Color Head Unit for Ryobi Model 3200

Townsend T-51 AE Color Head Unit for Ryobi Model 3200
Schematic Number LOR Part Number Description Outside Diameter Surface Length Overall Length Press Mfg Part No. Roller Includes
01 TRY-3201 Ink Ductor Roller 1 1/8 12 3/4 14 3/4 18818 N/A
02L TRY-3202-L Ink Form Large 2 1/8 13 1/4 16 1/4 39813 Ball Bearings
02S TRY-3202-S Ink Form Small 1 15/16 13 1/4 16 1/4 39814 Ball Bearings
03A TRY-3203-A Transfer Roller 1 1/8 13 5/8 16 5/16 18815 N/A
03B T-36817 Transfer Roller 1 1/4 13 5/8 17 3/32 36817 N/A
03C T-36818 Transfer Roller 1 13 5/8 16 5/16 36818 N/A
03D TRY-3214-AF Water Transfer Roller 1 1/8 13 1/2 14 3/4 18817 N/A
03E T-50847 Transfer Roller 2 1/8 13 1/4 16 1/4 39813 Ball Bearings
N/A T-500 Water Fountain Bottle N/A N/A N/A Special Option N/A
  • Manufactured by: Lith-O-Roll Corporation

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Lith-O-Roll Press Rollers: Townsend T-51

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